Rain Day!
Today was rain day. We started the morning off by making rain clouds. The kiddos laced and stuffed gray clouds then added rain (blue crepe paper). For rain day, we made rain pictures!
Expressive Language: pronoun, everyone
Receptive Language: following directions
For the morning activity I used the same cloud picture from yesterday, expect I copied it on gray paper. You will need 2 clouds per kiddo. I cut out the clouds and hole punched around each cloud. Then I started the lacing for the kiddos but they finished it. It took about 2 pieces of scrap paper crumpled to fill the cloud. Then I tied it shut. For the rain, I gave each kiddo a piece of blue crepe paper to cut into small stripes for the rain. I stapled the paper on the clouds at the bottom.
For language today, we made rain pictures. I found this activity on pinterest as well. The link to actual website can be found here. The language goal today was to understand "everyone." I gave each kiddo a blank piece of white construction paper. Then I gave a direction:
T: Everyone take a red marker.
Who has a red marker?
S: Everyone has a red marker.
T: Now, draw with the red marker.
The kiddos were allowed to draw what they wanted. Then I switched colors about 5 times. Last, the rain cloud came over and rained on their pictures! I held a gray cloud from the morning activity and sprayed each picture with water. Then we set the pictures aside to dry. The pictures turned out so beautiful!
**The markers MUST be washable markers.
For afternoon language time we made clouds in a jar. I have been trying to add science to the curriculum more and found this activity on pinterest and the actual website can be found here. It looked like fun so we gave it a whirl!!
You will need the following for the activity:
mason jar for each kiddo
shaving cream
food coloring
small bowls or cups
eye droppers
paper towel
Spread the paper towel on the table (you will need a few layers!) Give each kiddo a jar. I made each one ask for the jar.
T: Who has a jar?
S: Everyone has a jar.
I repeated this for each item.
Fill the jars about half to 3/4 full. Put shaving cream on top of the water. (*the more shaving cream you use the longer it will take to "rain" through the cloud). Give the students the droppers and colored water. Drop water on the clouds and wait for it to rain! Keep adding color. We used all different colors and were rewarded with a pretty rainbow affect!! The kiddos loved it!
Rainstick-at centers today the kiddos made rainsticks from toilet paper tubes. They colored the paper on the outside and then glued (or staple) onto the tube. We added popcorn kernels about 1/4 full for a good rain sound!
The next day we used the rainsticks to make rain while listening to the song "April Showers" from the movie Bambi. It goes through the rain starting with soft rain to a storm and back to soft rain.
Paper towel Umbrellas- I cut out umbrella shapes form paper towel and glued on construction paper. The kiddos painted and added rain. Very cute! (Sorry no picture, I forgot to take one!!)