Thursday, March 22, 2012

Action+Recipient and Top vs. Bottom Prepositions

Understanding "with" (manner) and Top vs. Bottom

There were a handful of animal names that the kiddos were struggling to remember, so we did some fun crafting!! We made a hippo, a tiger, a leopard and a peacock. All of the following crafts were made with the same language targets so I will write the lesson once. After each picture, I will post websites where specific parts for the animal can be found.

Language Targets:
Expressive Language: with, top/bottom, adjective+noun (two eyes).
Receptive Language: What questions

Start off the lesson by reviewing the vocabulary words.
T: What is that?
S: That is a polar bear.
T: Today we are going to make a hippo.  The hippo is gray. I need to  make gray paint. I will  mix black and white together. What am I stirring the paint with?
S: With a paintbrush!
T: Now, the gray paint is ready. What will you paint the hippo with?
S:With a paintbrush!
T: Andrew, what is he (point to another boy in the class) painting with?
S: He is painting with a paintbrush.
Repeat till all students have had a least one turn.

Once hippo is painted. add the facial features.
T:What does the hippo need? (hold up a facial feature: ears, eyes, nose, mouth)
S: Eyes!
T: How many eyes does the hippo need?
S: The hippo needs two eyes.
T: What color eyes do you want?
S: I want blue eyes.
T: How many blue eyes do you want?
S: I want two blue eyes.
T: Where will you glue the two blue eyes? On top of the head or the bottom?
S: On the top!
Repeat with each facial feature.

I used the same lesson for each animal craft we made!

Hippo Craft

We painted a paper plate gray. Then colored the facial features gray as well (in hindsight, I would have copied the facial features on gray paper and then cut out for the students)

Hippo Craft Directions/Printable

More hippo crafts


We painted to paper plates orange. Then painted black stripes. This was a major focus of the lesson, stripes. We added 4 paws, a tail, 2 ears, 2 eyes, one nose and the mouth. I made these myself and cut each out before the lesson started. I will try and scan the outlines in and upload later.
More Tiger Craft

This was the same as the tiger, expect we focused on spots! We mixed brown and white paint to make tan. Then we used cork tops to paint the spots.
**Tip: glue the pipecleaner mouth on with a glue gun. Much easier than regular glue!


Paper plates are the theme of this lesson!! The language focus of this lesson was "and." We drew the feathers on with green and blue markers. Then we used yellow paint for the spots. We had cotton balls with clothespins handles, to tip in the yellow paint to make the spots. Last, the facial features were added! Very cute :)
More Peacock Crafts

More Zoo animal Crafts

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