Thursday, May 31, 2012

Preposition Review

The kiddos kept calling a barn a farm, so off on another lesson we went! Today we focused on the word "barn." We did a listening activity to review prepositions next to, bottom, top and middle.
First, my favorite aide cut the barns out for us and cut the pictures out as well. Each kiddo got an envelope and a barn. Most of the kiddos loved digging in their envelope for the picture I called out. For the ones that were struggling, I spread out their pictures on the table for easier success!

This was a listening activity to review animal names and prepositions. It could easily be make into expressive language as well by having the kiddos answer questions either during or after the activity.

Language Goals
Expressive language: prepositions, animal names, everyone
Receptive language: following directions

T: What is this? (hold up the barn)
S: It's a barn!
T: Right, who needs a barn?
S: Everyone needs a barn!
T: First we need to draw doors on the barn. (model for the students. We also drew a window at the top for hay). Pass out the animals.
T: Find the pigs. Who has pigs?
S: Everyone has pigs!
T: Glue the pigs on the bottom of the barn.
T: Where did everyone glue the pigs?
S: On the bottom of the barn.
Repeat with all the animals, place the animals wherever you like. We glued the farmer and his wife on the front next to the doors and put the tractor on the back.

The pictures are from a scholastic e-book about farms. Directions for the barn can be found here  as well as other fun farm printables!! The barn is quite easy. Take a large piece of red construction paper, fold the sides so they meet in the middle. Trim the corners off with a rounded cut to make the barn!

Roll to  make a barn. Directions and printables can be found here

Milk Carton barn. This craft turned out super cute! We glued washed out milk cartons to a cardboard square (I cut the flaps off a box and cut those in half). The kiddos painted the milk cartons red and painted empty toilet paper tubes red. Then painted the cardboard green for grass. After the paint had dried, I hot glued the toilet paper tube to the cardboard and hot glued a mini muffin wrapper on top. This made the silo! Had a bit of trouble getting the paint to stick. Might want to use paper and glue instead.

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