Monday, May 14, 2012

Pronoun: Everyone

Plant Day

You can't talk about spring without talking about plants! So that is what we did today. To start the morning, the kids made cupcake liner flowers. Glue a cupcake liner on paper, add the petals, stem and leaves! The kids had a good time. Great morning work activity as it requires little from me!

For language time we planted seeds.
Expressive Language goals: pronoun everyone, with
Receptive Language: Who questions

To open we talked about the seeds. How the feel, what they look like, you get the idea. We also made some predictions about what they would grow into (I used the packaging to really talk about this). Then onto the planing!

The pronoun "everyone" has been our new focus. So that is the main focus of this lesson. Reviewing "with" and "who questions.

T:Who needs a cup?
(each student was saying "I do" another goal of ours, one they are finally mastering!) So I went around pointing to each student saying "Andrew needs a cup. E'Mani needs a cup, etc. So who needs a cup?"

S: Everyone needs a cup!

I repeated this with each step of planing the seed. When we were finished we planted some seeds in a baggie so the kiddos could see the roots growing. We taped ours to the window, but really seeds don't need light to grow so any  wall or board would work just fine!

To make give each student a ziploc bag and a papertowel. Staple three staples along the middle of the bag. Put seeds ontop of staples. Water the papertowel and seal. Write names on the bags and hang! Watch the roots grow.

I used sunflower seeds, but grass seeds or bean seeds grow much faster. Here is a good website on how to grow grass


Paperplate ripped flowers- give each student a paperplate and colored paper. Rip the colored paper into small pieces (great fine motor!) and glue on paperplate. Add stem and leaves when done.

Popbottle flower painting- Using a popbottle, dip the bottom in paint and use as a stamp. Makes a flower print. Again I found this activity at Pinterest and the kiddos loved it! The website can be found here. I did not draw the tree branches and we used smaller bottles than the 2 liter. Worked just fine! Sorry I don't have any pictures, I forgot to take them and I already sent everything home with the kiddos!

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