Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hot Chocolate!

Yum. You can't have a winter unit and not have hot chocolate.

Language Goals:
My main goal with this lesson was to get the kids to tell me what to do. (I Love lessons like this!)

I had each student bring in a mug to drink from. We talked about what it was called (many of them called it a cup). We discussed that it was a mug because of the handle.
Then we talked about how the water felt. I passed around the large bowl of water (I used the large glass measuring cup from Pampered Chef). We felt the side of the bowl, is it hot or cold? Is it ready for us to drink?
They agreed it was not ready to drink! So what next? I, of course, had the microwave behind me as a clue. So we walked through all the steps. 
Open the door.
Put the bowl inside.
Close the door.
Turn it on (I Love this, one of my students told me "you have to beep beep beep it." Because that's the sounds the buttons make! To precious!!!)
Check the temperature.
While we were waiting for it to be down, we poured our hot chocolate packets in the mugs. 
I also sang a song about marshmallows in my hot chocolate, that song and other activities can be found here hot chocolate song

Then we watched a movie!! 

Paint with the ice cubes you made yesterday. Sprinkle Kool-Aide onto a piece of paper and spread it around with the ice cube. As the ice cube melts it will paint the paper.

Footprint Penguin
I saw one that involved painting your foot and it was super cute, but I don't have sink in my classroom so I wasn't brave enough. I found another one that involved tracing your shoe. I went with that one!
I have included the links to both. You choose!!
Painted foot Penguin

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